

A Full Naim system ( 5/07)

Upon our return this late summer, mid-August to be precise, I will be setting up a whole Naim system. From CD player, power supplies, amplifier and yet another power supply for this amplifier, Streaming devises, and I believe JMR floor standing speakers. It will be a ouiiiie gooweee all Naim system on display. Photos should be uploaded after our set up is completed.


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We should be getting our Super Nait 3 very soon. However, of all the amps that are difficult to burn in, the SN3 is clearly one of these. We must be patient but in our present format, we can burn in much faster than before at our shop.

Lastly, more information on reintroducing our TRIGON line up soon enough.



I am very well stocked in new Naim gear. Be on the look out for additional info very soon.

SPI possesses much by way of Naim gear. There is no false gimmickry like so many other "retailers". As such we are the most established and well stocked Naim dealer in the entire region. We possess under our belt several #1 Naim dealership here in Ottawa, Canada and once in North America. Like so many of our brands much by way of line up knowledge. Think Linn, and certainly Audio Note to ring a few examples.

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